◎ 企業精神(Business Guideline)
"Trust" goes first, while "customer satisfaction" is the best.
◎ 服務宗旨(Mission Statement)
Assist customers in creating core values and maintaining competitive advantages.
◎ 經營目標(Business Goal)
Provide managerial know-how and skills with high-competitiveness.
Continue keeping high-quality consulting service.
Ensure simultaneous growth on "Trusty" and customers.
◎ 服務範圍(Service Scope)
-企業經營輔導 Business management consulting
-多元教育訓練 Multiple educational training
-專業人才招募 Professional talent recruitment / selection / training
-商情資訊諮詢 Trade information advice
-海外投資諮詢Overseas investment advice
◎ 專業特質(Professional Characters)
M Multiple 多元化的
A Aggressive 積極的
N Niche 有競爭力的
P Professional 專業的
O Objective 有目標的
W Worldwide 具世界觀的
E Earnest 誠摯的
R Responsible 負責任的誠信為先,客戶至上
"Trust" goes first, while "customer satisfaction" is the best.